Comprehensive Spending Review - your views

Tomorrow at 12.30pm the Chancellor, George Osbourne, will announce the results of the Government's Comprehensive Spending Review.

With public finances in a poor state, the spending review will outline details of which government departments will need to cut their spending and by how much.

We have real concerns on how government cuts might impact on people with Parkinson's and the level of care and support they receive. Access to benefits, NHS spending and research funding are among the top priorities of things we feel passionately about and want to see protected wherever possible.

If you're affected by Parkinson's, which areas of government spending do you most want to see protected? Are you concerned about what spending cuts might mean to your local Parkinson's services and support?

Discuss your views and concerns here this week as details of the review are outlined.

If you want to find our more about the Comprehensive Spending Review and what it means to people with Parkinson's, email

Update 20 October 2010

You can now read our response to the Chancellor's spending announcements and what they could mean for people affected by Parkinson's.

What did you think of today's announcements? How will they impact you? Share your concerns and views below.


Anonymous said...

PLEASE do not stop or reduce resaearch funding for Parkinsons .. Anything that causes a parkinsonian to worry worsens their problems/symptons .

The HOPE that research gives us is the only thing that keeps us going .
So please don't take the HOPE away from us

Parkinson's UK said...

Our response to the latest Employment and Support Allowance changes has been reported in The Guardian. Read the article at

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