Now that our new Prime Minister has moved into Number 10, you may be missing all the election fever. Well, fear not - the leadership race is just hotting up in the South American republic of Colombia!
The front-runner, according to the latest polls, is the leader of their Green party, Antanas Mockus. A former maths professor and previous mayor of the Colombian capital Bogotá, Antanas has been responsible for stunts such as hiring 420 mime artists to mock drivers committing traffic offences and persuading more than 60,000 Bogotans to voluntarily pay an extra 10% in taxes.
But Antanas' unusual approach to politics seems to be working and if he wins the election this Sunday he will make history. Not only will he be the world's first ever Green head of state but also the first to be elected after being diagnosed with Parkinson's.
So, with a matter of days until Colombians go to the polls, the rest of the world waits to see whether Antanas Mockus' adoring public will follow their hearts and make history.
How would you feel about electing a Prime Minister with Parkinson's? Have you continued to work yourself after being diagnosed?
Let us know your thoughts and inspiring stories which, like Antanas Mockus' obvious zest for live, show that life doesn't have to stop after a Parkinson's diagnosis.